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Orlando Economic Partnership

Orlando's first ever Digital Twin Experience: Designed, Engineered and Installed by DCBolt

We teamed up with Orlando Economic Partnership and Unity to deliver Orlando's first ever Digital Twin Experience.

The brand-new 3D virtual application recreates 40 square miles of the region in high fidelity, including Orange, Seminole and Osceola counties, and is a dynamic virtual copy of physical assets, processes, systems and/or environments that look and behave identically to the real-world counterpart.

The digital twin technology and capabilities will have nearly unlimited uses, exemplifying why Orlando has been designated the MetaCenter of the Metaverse. Using this technology, Orlando has the ability to demonstrate to established companies, start-ups, entrepreneurs and thought leaders from around the globe the possibilities available to them in our city – from real estate options and infrastructure to the proximity of other like-minded companies and our diverse talent pool.

Project STATS




LED Cabinets


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