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55 Water Street Lobby

Immersive LED Brand Activation & Custom Content for NYC Lobby Headquarters

DCBolt Productions assisted in the design, implementation, software and content development of the video system for 55 Water’s LED lobby wall installation in New York City. DCBolt continues to develop custom content that allows this canvas to evolve through vibrant illusions, ambient branding, eye candy and infotainment. The installation is visible at 55 Water Street in NYC and the lobby is open to the public for viewing 24/7. Our Immersive Creative Team built a custom windows-based media server to handle the approx 8K pixel space, and is using Signagelive CMS to manage 5x scheduled layout with over 250x assets of custom content, that range from ambient branding to perspective illusions. DCBolt designed a multi-windowed infotainment layout for the high-traffic hours of the morning, afternoon and evening rush periods which display a variety of content feeds, including live stock tickers, transit, weather, news, sports and social media. The greatest challenge DCBolt faced with this project was network related. It required heavy bandwidth to dynamically pull and display multiple data feeds and content sources at the same time. Another challenge came from the custom stock ticker. As to date, there has not been a stock ticker produced at such a high resolution. The requirement was a custom program that integrated high-resolution logo assets and variable speed adjustments to account for the size and resolution of the canvas.

Project STATS




Live Feeds


Custom Content Assets

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